The Br3in group and specifically Prof. S. Fioretti and PhD Andrea Tigrini organize a seminar titled: “Models and techniques for modular motor control assessment in humans”. The invited Speaker is Simone Ranaldi from Roma Tre

During the seminar, the assistant professor Simone Ranaldi will present the way how the central nervous system manages the redundancy in the muscoloscheletal system through the modular motor control models.

The Br3in group and specifically PhD Agnese Sbrollini, Prof. Burattini and the PhD student Jafar Mortada organize the 1st STUDENT WORKSHOP ON MEDICAL ACQUISITION SYSTEM

The workshop aims to explore the design, development and implementation of medical instrumentation specially focused on ECG processing. Best projects and winners of the “Cognitive Computation in Physiology and Medicine” will be awarded during the closing ceremony.

Ancona is one of the eight venue for the 2nd edition of Workshop SIAMOC on inertial sensors for the clinical analysis of mobility organized by Politecnico di Torino

Br3in group yesterday hosted the event aimed at promoting the use of this kind of technology in clinical context. In the morning Prof. Andrea Cereatti and the PhD Marco Caruso from Politecnico di Torino held theoretical lessons on Inertial Sensors and dr Filippo Castiglia explained possible applications in clinics. Practical examples related to the technical aspects and the implementation of the experimental set-up were shown in the afternoon by Ing. Federica Verdini, PhD Alessandro Mengarelli e PhD Andrea Tigrini.

PhD Rivolta Massimo Walter seminar for Cognitive Computation in Physiology and Medicine Master Degree in “Biomedical Engineering”

Br3in group is honored to host PhD Massimo Rivolta for his seminar titled “The importance of explainable AI in the context of biomedical applications. The seminar will be at 2.30-4.30 pm in B/7-8 rooms.

April 2023

LM Biomedical Engineering Internship Day at Univpm, 3rd Edition

Professors of Master degree in Biomedical Engineering at UNIVPM presented their research projects for the internships..

May 25 2022

Dr. Giovanni Pacini seminar for the Course of Models and Control of Biological Systems

Br3in group is honored to host Cr. Giovanni Pacini for his seminar titled “Insuline clearance: a special process for mathematical modelling”

February, 2022

Second Edition of LM Biomedical Engineering Internship Day at Univpm

Professors of Master degree in Biomedical Engineering at UNIVPM presented their research projects for the internships.